August 17, 2021

ALBA EvoX 3.1 🌼✨



Head and Lashes by LeLUTKA Ceylon 3.1 (EvoX)

Eyes Appliers by AG. Lucide

Skin "Alba" by Glam Affair (EvoX) -  (used tone Caramel_ Glam*)  Available @The Crystal Heart Festival

"Alba comes in 6 of our newest Glam Affair BOM skin tone range and 7 Tones to match the new Ipanema Body Skin from Velour."

This product contains:
- BOM ready system layers for in 3 brow options, one light, one dark, one no brow
- Alternate brows layers
- Cosmetics and Enhancements Pack
- Ear Matching Layer for EVO X ears
- Shape for Ceylon

Body Skin/Appliers by  Glam Affair _ Available Mainstore New line body

Body Skin_BoM/Applier _ VELOUR: The "Ipanema Body" New!

Body by The Shops! Legacy Classic (f) (1.4);

Hairbase + Add-on "Pomme" by TABLEAU VIVANT - Available @Mainstore
This product Contains:
- 10 Colors Included
- Non rigged mesh hair (can be resized via hud)


Nails "Winged Heart" by Ascendant _ Available @ACCESS
This product contains:
- Rigged for bodies Legacy, Maitreya, and Kupra

  Necklaces, Earring and Earcuffs "Becca set" by LaGyo _ Available @Kustom9
This product contains:
- Necklaces (2 styles) 249L
- Earrings (loop earrings+earcuffs normal and elf) 189L
- They will be available in gold, silver and rose. 
- Mod/copy/unrigged


Top by "Charlotte" by  Ascendant _ Available @Equal10
This product contains:
- Rigged for bodies Legacy, Perky, Maitreya and Kupra
- 100% Original mesh


  1. Is this a personal shape or the one with the skin as I absolutely love the face :)

    1. Oww thank you ♥ it's a personal shape, but with the shape that comes, there are few adjustments to be made.

